Monday, July 11, 2016

Ansewer for question 7,8 and 9

What are the trends in marijuana use in the United States?
In 2013, an estimated 24.6 million Americans aged 12 or older—9.4 percent of the population—had used an illicit drug in the past month. This number is up from 8.3 percent in 2002.This is the large rise in the trend. The increase mostly reflects a recent rise in use of marijuana, the most commonly used illicit drug. Cocaine use has gone down in the last few years. In 2013, the number of current users aged 12 or older was 1.5 million. This number is lower than in 2002 to 2007 (ranging from 2.0 million to 2.4 million).More than half of new illicit drug users begin with marijuana. This trend means that the people in the US started to use Marijuana because half of the states now have been legalized marijuana. Therefore the user of the Cocaine shifted to marijuana.

Couldn’t legalizing and taxing marijuana generate significant revenue?
As we can see from the tabacco revenue, specifically people in Japan buys a lot and generate tax revenues. This can be said for the marijuana too if it were legalized. Marijuana legalization would generate tax revenue of approximately $2.4 billion annually if marijuana were taxed like all other goods, and $6.2 billion annually if marijuana were taxed at rates comparable to those on alcohol and tobacco. (A 2007 study from George Mason University reports that lost revenue from failing to tax a $113 billion business, as well as costs incurred enforcing marijuana laws, cost U.S. taxpayers $41.8 billion yearly.) These budgetary impacts rely on a range of assumptions, but the estimates are most likely biased downward. The second sources that I referred to was published on May 2016, so it was quite new but it still said that the revenue that is caused by the marijuana was huge in amount. Why not legalize marijuana?

If there is no bad effect, why don't they legalize marijuana?
Over 100 million Americans have tried and used marijuana including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and so on. Also it is said that it will be legalized in 10 years. But legalizing marijuana is not right because it makes kids an easy access to marijuana and it can do you more harm than alcohols and tabaccos if users are young. Of course, there is still a lot of opposition. Legalization is opposed by most politicians because either they actually believe the lies about marijuana or they are afraid they will be accused of being “pro-drug” and weak on crime. It is said to be harmless for their health, but it has some effects on our body because you are inhaling something to your lungs. Also,it lacks the evidence of how effective medical marijuana is.

works cited
Nationwide Trends. (n.d.). Retrieved July 09, 2016, from

What is the scope of marijuana use in the United States? (n.d.). Retrieved July 09, 2016, from

Legalizing Marijuana Would Save Money and Generate Tax Revenue. (2012). Retrieved July 12, 2016, from|EJ3010381260&source=Bookmark&u=cclc_merced&jsid=4e265f979fe6a203d979ab782980e605

Nationwide marijuana legalization could produce up to $28 billion in yearly tax revenue. (2016, May 14). Retrieved July 11, 2016, from

Why Legalize Marijuana Homepage. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2016, from

New Health Advisor. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2016, from

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